In early 2020 the North Carolina Justice Center, Health Advocacy Project decided to embark on a PhotoVoice project centered on documenting the state of Healthcare in certain rural NC counties. When the Covid 19 Pandemic hit in March, the project took on a different look and scope. We opened up the participants to include any part of the state and did all of our meetings via Zoom. In the end, we had 9 participants from both urban and rural communities across North Carolina. We asked them to show us with their cameras what life looked like in the time of Covid. The resulting photos are a wide-ranging view of what people experienced during one of the most challenging times in our country's history.

Health Advocacy Project
The Health Advocacy Project works to ensure all North Carolinians, including individuals and families with low incomes, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural communities, have meaningful access to high quality, affordable, equitable, and comprehensive health care so that children, adults, and families have better health outcomes and productive lives.
Why NC PhotoVoice
NC PhotoVoice has the following three objectives:
Encourage people to record and document their community and personal lives
Promote dialogue around community issues and strengths through group discussions of photographs
Reach policymakers through photography
For inquiries about how to participate in the next NC PhotoVoice project fill out the form and someone will get back to you.
North Carolina Justice Center
224 S. Dawson St , Raleigh, NC 27601
Tel: 919-856-2570